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Basic Payment Record Search

Step 1: Identify County and Court Order Number

Click here for Sample Court Order Numbers

Step 2: Choose Timeframe to Display
Example: From: 03/10/1998 To: 04/15/2000

The record of any payment made before the KPC began operations on October 1, 2000, is kept by the local Kansas court, but only if payments were made through the court. To contact a Clerk of the District Court about older payment records, click here.

Court Order Numbers

Most Kansas court orders use the same format; see Basic Format below. Always choose the county name from the County Name drop down menu. If the exact court order number is not known, please call KPC Customer Service at 1-877-572-5722 for help.

There are five counties that have courthouses in two towns, so the format of court order numbers from those counties is slightly different. See the specific instructions below for Cowley, Labette, and Montgomery or for Crawford and Neosho.

The KPC also stores some payment information about Non Kansas Orders and Tribal Orders. These are not official payment records, but they can be viewed. See the instructions below.

Basic Format: The basic format uses exactly 10 characters and spaces (digits) for the court order number. Going from left to right:

  • Digits 1 and 2 are the year the court assigned the number (the year the court case was filed).
  • Digits 3 and 4 show the type of court order, such as divorce (D or DM), civil (C or CV), or interstate registration (R or RC). If the court order type has just one letter, it is followed by a space.
  • Digits 5 through 10 are the court order number with leading zeroes as needed to total 6 digits.


Digit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
09-DM-1234 0 9 D M 0 0 1 2 3 4
2002-D-1234 0 2 D
0 0 1 2 3 4

Search Tips:

  • When no record is found that matches the number that was entered, an error message is shown saying that the number is invalid. If the order is brand new, it may not be set up at the KPC yet.
  • When a record of the order is found but there have been no payments, a message is shown saying that no payments have been recorded.
  • Older Kansas support orders may use other letters for the court order type. Examples: P or DP or PA (paternity), JN or JV or JC (juvenile court), or U (interstate).
  • The original petition shows the correct letters for the court order type. Other documents sometimes have errors, especially for cases with “D” and “DM” court order types. If you have tried entering “DM” without success, try entering “D” followed by a space. If you tried “D” followed by a space, try entering “DM” instead. This tip may work with other court order types, too, such as C and CV or R and RC.
  • Always choose the county name from the drop down list, and always be sure you are using the right number format for that county.

There are certain situations in which KPC assigns the letter “N” in the number. This usually happens when two people are paying support at the same time under one court order number. In those cases, the above examples would read:


Digit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
09-DM-1234, with N 0 9 D M N 0 1 2 3 4
2002-D-1234, with N 0 2 D N 0 0 1 2 3 4

Cowley, Labette, and Montgomery: Choose the county-city combination from the County Name drop down menu. Instead of 6 digits after the court order type, there are just 5. All other parts are the same as the Basic Format.

Cowley County: Cowley-ArkCity or Cowley-Winfield

Labette County: Labette-Oswego or Labette-Parsons

Montgomery County: Montg-Coffeyville or Montg-Independence


Digit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
01-D-123 0 1 D
0 0 1 2 3
09DM00456 0 9 D M 0 0 4 5 6

Crawford and Neosho: Crawford and Neosho counties have only 1 listing in the County Name drop down menu—the town is identified in the number. There are 6 digits after the court order type, the last one being the first letter of the town where the order was filed. All other parts are the same as the Basic Format.

Crawford County: Pittsburg (P) or Girard (G)

Neosho County: Erie (E) or Chanute (C)


Digit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2001-D-123-G 0 1 D 0 0 1 2 3 G
2010 DM 25 E 1 0 D M 0 0 0 2 5 E

Non Kansas Orders: The order numbers for non Kansas orders do not have a set format, and the KPC records are not official payment records. These cases show only the payments processed while a Kansas CSS case is open.

The first digit for a non Kansas order is nearly always “X,” while the next two are the two-letter abbreviation for the state where the order originated. The rest of the digits may be any combination of letters, numbers, and other characters—be sure to use them all, including spaces. The length is not limited to 10 digits.

If you do not know the exact non Kansas order number used by Kansas CSS, please call the CSS Child Support Call Center for help at 1-888-757-2445.


Digit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

XOKJFD987654 X O K J F D 9 8 7 6 5 4
XTX06-1234 D X T X 0 6 - 1 2 3 4

Tribal Orders: Choose Non Kansas Orders in the County Name drop down menu. The order number may be any combination of letters and numbers. The length is not limited to 10 digits.

For Additional Questions on how to enter your Court Order Number please contact our Customer Service at 1-877-KPC-KPCC (1-877-572-5722).

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Kansas Payment Center

P.O. Box 758599 Topeka, KS 66675-8599

Phone: 877-572-5722

The Kansas Payment Center is funded by the Kansas Department for Children and Families

Site Release v4.4